ADVENTure November 29, 5-7 pm It’s time to get ready to get ready! Advent will be here soon, a season where we prepare for the coming of Christ, and it is wise for us to prepare for this season of preparation too. Join us on November 29 from 5 -7 pm as we embark on an...
Thanksliving Lunch

Thanksliving Lunch

Immediately following worship on November 19, we’ll gather for our ThanksLiving lunch of catfish, chicken, and more catered by Eat My Catfish in the Fellowship Hall. We will celebrate the blessings and graces we have experienced and you’ll have an opportunity to...
Worship at Lake Nixon

Worship at Lake Nixon

Join us for worship at Lake Nixon on Sunday, October 22 at 10:30 am. We will worship together in God’s beautiful creation and then eat a BBQ lunch and play at the lake. Bring your chair, wear your play clothes, invite your friends, and come to the Lake for a fun day...
Interfaith Worship Service

Interfaith Worship Service

Interfaith Worship Service St. Mark’s Episcopal Church September 7, 6:00 pm Please join The Interfaith Center of Arkansas and Arkansas House of Prayer for the annual interfaith prayer service, Love Thy Neighbor: Tending the Sacred Flame, a celebration of peace...

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