Faith Formation

Second Baptist Church is a diverse congregation with faith in Jesus Christ as the center that holds us all together.
We are all in the process of becoming more like Christ for the sake of others and we seek to meet folks wherever they are in their faith journey.
2BC is a safe place to deconstruct old narratives, and it provides an intentional foundation on which to rebuild your faith. We offer a rich variety of thoughtful, inclusive, theologically sound, and biblically inspired opportunities for faith formation for every age and stage of life.
Opportunities for All Ages

River Kids
Preschool Ministry
River Kids is made up of infants through kindergarteners. At this age, children learn about self, God, and others through play. We hope all that we do reinforces the following values: God made me; God loves me; and Jesus shows us how to live. These values are echoed through our all our activities, in preschool Sunday School, extended care during worship, and other special events. We work with parents as they seek to instill these values throughout everyday life.

City Kids
Elementary School Ministry
City Kids is made up of 1st through 5th graders. Building on the principles established in preschool, our students know: I need to make the wise choice; I can trust God no matter what; and God wants me to show Jesus’ love and grace to others. All of these values are echoed through our teachings, events and programs —through Bible study on Sunday mornings and a variety of other special events. We work with parents as they seek to instill these values throughout everyday life.

Middle School & High School Ministry
Our teenagers are a diverse group that come from all over Central Arkansas and more than 12 schools to be together on Sundays, Wednesdays and other times throughout the week. Through Bible Study, play, and opportunities for service we seek to teach our youth the following: I am created to pursue an authentic relationship with my creator; I belong to Jesus Christ and define who I am by what he says; I exist every day to demonstrate God’s love to a broken world. We work with and support parents as they seek to instill these values throughout everyday life.

Embark (college/early career)
This group is for young adults who are in college, trade school, and early career. It is led by Allison Hiblong and friends.
During holidays and breaks, this group gathers weekly for Bible Study at 9:30 am.

Harbor (young adults)
This is a group of young adults who have the flexibility to gather outside of the normal church routine. Led by Gavin McCollum, this group gathers to share life, serve, and discuss scripture and other theological issues.
This group is currently meeting twice a month on Sunday nights.

Village (median adults)
This group is made up of folks ranging from 20’s-50’s+. They gather weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for Bible Study and plan various events throughout the year for formation, community, and service.

Connections (median adults)
The Connections Class is taught by Jon Poteet and is open to adults of all ages which meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. You can attend in person or through Zoom. We utilize a discussion-oriented format. Our goal is not only to understand Scripture but to apply it to our lives. We seek to promote fellowship among class participants on Sunday mornings coupled with additional gatherings at other times. We meet on the 3rd floor in Room 311.

Journey (senior adults)
The Journey Class is a group of adults who meet weekly for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer on Sunday mornings. Our Bible Study time utilizes Nurturing Faith curriculum taught by a variety of excellent teachers. Come and join us as we learn and grow in our faith together. We are on the 3rd floor in Room 308 at 9:00 am.
This group also gathers for community and service throughout the year.

Encouragers (senior adults)
This group is made up of folks ranging The Encouragers is a small adult Bible study group that enjoys a time of coffee and comments each Sunday morning; a time to share The Father’s blessings and to join in prayer for our fellow travelers. Our Bible study time follows the Formations curriculum from Smyth and Helwys. It is a time of sharing using the Socratic method as we probe God’s Word. Come join with us as we learn together. We’re on the 3rd floor in Room 312 at 9:00 a.m.

Faith Formation opportunities
We offer a variety of opportunities for Faith Formation through seasonal small groups and Bible Study classes on Wednesday evenings and on Zoom with Theologian Emeritus, Dr. Hulitt Gloer.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Our Wednesday Night activities are taking a break for the Advent season. Classes will resume on January 15th!
Wednesday Night Schedule
Activities will resume on January 15th. Below is our schedule for activities during regular Wednesday nights:
5:00 pm: Fellowship Hall open to eat together
Bring your dinner and join us for fellowship (drinks provided)
5:30 pm: Youth Area (4th floor) open for youth to hang out
Kids’ Area (3rd floor) open for kids and preschoolers (childcare provided)
6:00-7:15 pm: Adult Bible Study (Room 308 & on Zoom)
Youth Bible Study (4th Floor)
CityKids (1st-5th Grade) Bible Study (3rd Floor)
RiverKids (birth-5) Childcare (preschool area)
Adult Choir
Adult Bible Study
Classes will resume on January 15th
In the Beginning: A Study of the Book of Genesis
With the beginning of the New Year, we will be studying the beginning of all things as told in the Book of Genesis. This intriguing book is full of stories of the creation of the universe, scoundrels who became the patriarchs and matriarchs of our faith, and a God who shows up in surprising ways. This study- led by Preston- will be hybrid, with in-person being in the Journey Classroom and on-line hosted on Zoom. We will begin on Wednesday, January 15 and end in May. Every night will begin at 6:00pm. Bring your Bibles and bring a friend. All are welcome.
Youth Bible Study
Activities will resume on January 15th.
Join us on Wednesday nights as we take a closer look at the songs we sing in worship by heart. We will examine the lyrics of the songs, what they mean for us as a community of faith, and the theology behind them. This class is taught by a variety of teachers.
CityKids (1st - 5th grade) Bible Study
Activities will resume on January 15th.
This year, on Wednesday nights, our CityKids will be adventuring through the Old Testament for a series we’re calling ‘God’s People: A Journey through Time.’ With a variety of storytelling modalities and engaging activities, we’ll explore what it means to trust in God and how we can see God’s purpose in history from Creation to Jesus.
RiverKids (birth-kindergarten)
Childcare is available for our youngest learners.