Service of Consolation

Service of Consolation

Service of Consolation December 8 at 6:00pm     For many, the holiday season is full of grand celebrations and fun festivities. For others, however, the holidays comprise a difficult season saturated with pain and heartache. Perhaps the death of a loved one, the loss...
Churchwide Retreat

Churchwide Retreat

Sometimes the Spirit calls us to higher ground: time away to gain new perspective, to take a break from the rush of life, to encounter the holy, and to spend time in community. Join us for our churchwide retreat, February 28 – March 2, at Mount Magazine as we...
2ND Thursdays at 2ND

2ND Thursdays at 2ND

2ND Thursdays at 2ND Every Second Thursday of the month, at Second Baptist Church in downtown Little Rock, we will cater a luncheon and host a conversation about some public good or issue that matters.  These conversations will be educational, inspirational, and...
Foremothers of Our Faith

Foremothers of Our Faith

Foremothers of our Faith June 8 Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Saint Mark’s Episcopal, and Second Baptist Church Downtown are hosting a film festival entitled, “Foremothers of our Faith,” celebrating women in ministry on June 8th. This film festival will feature 2...
Addressing Christian Nationalism

Addressing Christian Nationalism

May 8, 2BC Worship Center, 6:00 pm We are excited to host Amanda Tyler of the BJC, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, on May 8th at 6pm! If the rise of Christian Nationalism is concerning to you, or if you want to learn more about the issue, we invite you...
Holy Week

Holy Week

Journey to the Cross Holy Week: March 24 – March 31 Palm Sunday, March 24 Join us for Palm Sunday worship at Lake Nixon at 10:30 am. We will wave our palms and celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as we prepare our hearts for the week ahead. Bring...

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