Why I Am An Ally

Why I Am An Ally

One August morning in 2004, after three devastating miscarriages and a complicated pregnancy requiring four hospitalizations and home healthcare, our daughter Jenna was born. I remember my exact words the first time someone placed her in my arms: “Thank you, God, for...
The Mute Button is On

The Mute Button is On

There have been numerous times in my life in which I have felt my voice was not heard. Steadily talking with lips moving, hand gestures flowing, but on mute the entire time. I believe the most frustrating of these situations is when I was “asked” for my opinion or...
Profiles in Courage: Cynthia Ramey

Profiles in Courage: Cynthia Ramey

Today, we shine our spotlight on Cynthia Ramey, the Executive Director of Family Promise of Pulaski County, a non-profit organization. With affiliates across the country, Family Promise focuses on meeting the needs of families on multiple levels. Through its...
Dear Tiffany

Dear Tiffany

Dear Tiffany: Do you recognize me? I am you, older and (hopefully) wiser. If you don’t see yourself in me, that is okay. Thirty years ago, I could not have predicted that today, I feel alive and confident. I have a voice to use for good, for advocacy — not only for...
The Things I’ve Borrowed

The Things I’ve Borrowed

To my sister, who enters every room exactly as she wants to be. Growing up, I would sneak into your room at night while you were sleeping, take your CDs, sneak back into my room, and listen to them until I fell asleep. I know – such a creepy way to start this...

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