ADVENT-ure November 20
A new church year is on its way. Like Mary, we find ourselves with the invitation to something new, but that can be scary. We can’t see the future, but we feel its possibility beckoning us forward. We know that the journey is long and we need to pack accordingly. This year, ADVENT-ure will give us the chance to prepare for the road ahead. Fortunately, we don’t have to start from scratch. We already have everything we need, passed down to us through God’s Word like an old quilt – words of assurance and blessing that offer us the comfort of a warm embrace as we step into the unknown of a new year. Join us on Wednesday, November 20th as we remind ourselves of the purpose of Advent. This is an intergenerational event, in fact, we need all ages in order to fully prepare for Christ’s birth. Dinner will be provided from 5-5:45 pm with a lesson to follow. We will have intergenerational discussion and activities followed by the opportunity to make an Advent wreath to use throughout the season. We will wrap up by 7:15 pm. For our discussion and lesson, we invite you to bring a family quilt or favorite blanket. We want to hear where it came from and why it is special to you.