Winter Bible Study
with Dr. Myles Werntz

Why is Christian community important to the Christian life?  What makes Christian community Christian?  What are the habits that shape and form Christian community?  What does church have to do with Jesus?  These questions are pertinent questions for our day.  An increasingly digital existence along with an inherently fractured culture have made church and community very difficult.  And yet, following Jesus makes them necessary.

These are the questions, concerns, and invitations that will shape our Winter Bible Study, which will be led by Dr. Myles Werntz, Director of the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University.  Dr. Werntz is a noted author, leading contemporary Baptist theologian, and a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University.  

Join us January 27 – 29 as we think about Christian community and practice it.

Friday, January 27 – Potluck Soup and Salad Dinner – 5:00 – 6:00pm
                                “What Is Christian Community”  – 6:00 – 8:00pm

Saturday, January 28 –  “Why Christian Community” – 10:00am – 12:00pm

Sunday, January 29 –  Church Wide Bible Study – 9:00 – 10:00am
“Committing for the Long Haul”
                                     Dr. Werntz will preach in worship – 10:30am

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