Engaging in Scripture
Engaging in Service
Buy an Angel Tree item from the Amazon Wish List for The Van.
Buy an Angel Tree item from the Amazon Wish List for Urban Promise.
Buy an Angel Tree item from the Amazon Wish List for MLK Elementary.
Help us wish the teachers and staff at MLK Elementary a Merry Christmas by signing up to write a Christmas card. All cards must be at 2BC by noon on Monday, December 14. Do not seal the envelope because we’ll put a Sonic gift card in them. You can sign-up HERE or contact Chris Ellis.
Every year during December we collect the CBF Offering for Global Missions. This offering is vital to the presence of CBF Field personnel around the world. This year our goal is $6,500. You can mail a check to the church or by giving online and selecting the CBF Global Missions Offering option.
Since bell ringing isn’t an option for most this year, we’ve created an online kettle for you to give towards helping the Salvation Army work with some of the neediest in our community. You can donate by giving here. Feel free to share the link on your own social media pages!
Donate a new book (and borrow a book too!) to the 2BC Celebration Library, found in the 2BC lobby.
Send a holiday message to Megan, Jay & Jensen Strydom at LIV Lanseria. (I bet Jensen would love a silly video!)
Send a holiday message to Janee’, Jamar, & Jack at Together for Hope. (email Brittany or Chris for physical address)