written by Rev. Suzanne Cain

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for today and all our tomorrows – 

You are our refuge and strength!  We praise your name from the rising of the sun through the vigils of night.  Every season you are with us.  

We lift up our voices and tune our hearts to the prayers of women in every corner of this planet.  Lord hear our prayer.  

We pray for women like Hagar who have been cast aside and forced into the wilderness.  May they find their true worth in the name you gave them, Beloved.  God who sees, hear our prayer.  

For the women whose faith is being tested – whether they are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim or other – may their doubts not cripple them.  Meet their dark night of the soul with your healing light.  In your mercy, hear our prayer.

For the women who have everything they need but can’t find satisfaction, may they remember the joy of your salvation in the ordinary blessings of the mundane.  Lord of Love, hear our prayer.    

We pray for refugees from Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Ukraine and other struggling countries.  They are stressed from creating a new life for their families in unfamiliar landscapes.  The old comforts of home are gone and they are forging new ones.  Surprise them with eruptions of hope.  God who provides, hear our prayer.  

For young women searching for themselves as they launch into college and careers, direct virtuous people to intersect their path.  Souls to encourage and spur them on – helping them to uncover the beauty and grit they have to offer this world.

For every little girl wanting to become a woman, protect them from disease and sickness that would prevent them from abundant living.  Grant them supernatural endurance and fortitude to overcome obstacles we create.  So that she, who the Son sets free is free indeed to leave her mark in your Kingdom work on this earth as it is in heaven.   May it be so.  Amen.

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