The Enneagram is a tool of spiritual formation created from the monastic traditions and used throughout Christian history. More than a personality test, it’s a means for transformation, for knowing the self, and for loving one’s neighbor. Leading up to our Enneagram Conference on November 12-13, we’re hosting several small groups to aid and deepen our knowledge of this tool. We hope you’ll join one.
The Enneagram and Relationships – Led by Brittany Stillwell
Sundays, starting Oct. 17, at 5:00pm at Lake Nixon
We’ve talked a lot about the Enneagram and what that reveals about who we are as individuals and how we interact with the world. But what does knowledge of the Enneagram do to our relationships—with our kids, our partners, our friends, coworkers, extended family, etc.? How can the Enneagram help us communicate with those closest to us and aid in better understanding?
Join us on Sundays at 5 at Lake Nixon to discuss the Enneagram and Relationships. We will be utilizing Suzanne Stabile’s book, The Path Between Us. You are welcome to read along if you want, though it is not necessary. You can order the book on Amazon by clicking here.
If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Stillwell at bstillwell@2bclr.com
Advanced Enneagram – Led by Preston Clegg
Wednesdays, starting October 13, at 6:00pm. In Person Only at 2BC
We will gather in the Journey Classroom at 2BC on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm, October 13th-November 17th. If you’ve been introduced to the Enneagram previously but want to dive deeper in a more advanced study of how the Enneagram can serve as a tool of personal and relational transformation, this class is for you.
If you have any questions, please contact Preston Clegg at pclegg@2bclr.com
Enneagram 101 – Led by Chris Ellis
Wednesdays, starting October 20, at 6:00pm at 2BC and Zoom
Curious what the Enneagram is and want to know more about it? Join this entry level class on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm and we’ll talk about the different numbers and you can discern which one fits you best. This study will be in-person (masked) at the church and online on Zoom. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Ellis at cellis@2bclr.com
Enneagram 201 – Led by Suzanne Cain
Thursdays, starting October 21, at 6:30. In Person (off campus) and Zoom
We will do some review of the basics, share personal reflections of how this tool has helped your personal growth, and explore spiritual practices to further our growth. We will meet on the following days October 21, 28, Nov 4, 11 at 6:30pm. If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Cain at scain@2bclr.com