Clergy/Lay Academy on Zoom
Saturday, October 24
The King’s Cross: Reading Mark’s Revolutionary Gospel
Knowing what Jesus said and did has never been more important than in the days in which we are now living. The Gospel of Mark tells of Jesus’ revolutionary life and message and we will examine it together.
Dr. Hulitt Gloer will lead us in a Clergy/Lay Academy on Zoom on Saturday, October 24. We will meet from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-4:00pm with an hour lunch break in between sessions. The cost for the class is $10.00.
WARNING: Studying Jesus can be hazardous to your sense of well-being!
For those interested, this course can be applied towards a Certificate in Biblical Studies from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Contact Dr. Gloer if you have any questions.
To register, please register HERE
Zoom link will be sent out at a later date