Quotes from Quarantine
 April 29, 2020
Suzanne Cain

Many people are going through hardships that some of us can’t fully grasp.  But we can rest in God’s faithfulness and mercy knowing our Heavenly Father sees and knows all people and conditions.  May God bless the Church and her efforts as we continue to work tirelessly to take care of each other and be the presence of Christ as best we can in all circumstances. 

Today’s reflection is an attempt to bring some lightness and a little levity to your day.  With the constant surge of information and all the avenues we receive it, sometimes you just need to take your mind off the heaviness of the world.  

Our family is a big fan of John Krazinski and his Some Good News segments on YouTube each week.  They are filled with inspirational and heart-warming stories of front line workers and the creative ways communities are championing and honoring them.  They are filled with funny parenting methods people are using in order to get through a day of homeschooling, working from home and continuing to do all the things. John always brightens someone’s day by bringing them on to a video chat to highlight something special they are doing or just to surprise them by introducing them to a special guest.    

So to celebrate things that inspire our thoughts, pervade our imaginations and make us laugh, I’d like to offer some of my favorite Quarantine Quotes. Clearly this doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of all there is to be inspired by and chuckle at. But they have spoken to me and made me smile.   

For grins:

Today is Blursday, the fortyteenth day of Marprilay.

Introverts on social distancing: this is what we’ve trained for!

Twenty years from now the world will be run by homeschoolers taught by day drinkers.

Those of you whose love language is quality time and physical touch. . . . . y’all OK?

When this is over please invite me to everything, I promise I’ll go this time.

ZOOM call every day: Will everyone please “mute” themselves? 

Not to brag, but I haven’t been late for anything in like a month . . . but if I don’t hurry, I’ll be late for the couch.

We can save the human race by lying in front of the TV and do nothing.  Let’s not screw this up.

I miss being at work complaining about not wanting to be at work. 

It’s OK to fall apart sometimes.  Tacos fall apart and we still love them.

To inspire:

This is not a drill.  We have practiced our faith for days like these. ~ Ann Voskamp

Love is the last thing we need to ration right now. ~ Brene Brown

Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still have a big impact. ~ Neil Patrick Harris

Everything will be okay in the end.  If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. ~ John Lennnon

One of the great surprises of life is finding that the cure for your loneliness is found in solitude. ~ Richard Rohr

I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light. ~ Barbara Brown Taylor

Only when normal things aren’t normal any more do we realize how special normal things are. ~ Unknown

Let nothing disturb you.  Let nothing upset you.  Everything changes.  God alone is unchanging.  Whoever has God lacks nothing.  God alone is enough. ~ Teresa of Avila

Oh God, “satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love; so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:14).  May we take time to give thanks in all circumstances, for you are the God who never sleeps and always stays.  Help us to look for you not only in our moments of quiet reflection but also at home in the noise and busyness of our day with work and school and children and spouses.  We know that you laugh with us as well as cry with us.  For all your higher ways and thoughts we give thanks.  Amen.

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