Thanksliving Worship and Lunch
November 19
10:30 am Worship, lunch to follow
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Sunday, November 18 promises to be a special day in the life of our church. Morning worship will be filled with special musical guests as we give thanks for all that God has done in our congregation over the past year. Immediately following worship, we will gather in Fellowship Hall for a lunch to celebrate the blessings and graces we have experienced in 2017.
Tickets are on sale now in the back of the worship center Sundays and in Fellowship Hall on Wednesday nights. Tickets must be purchased to reserve your spot.
Deck the Halls | Sunday, November 18
Worship Center | After Thanksliving Luncheon
We need everyone’s help to decorate the church for the Christmas Season! There are jobs from fluffing bows to hanging garlands. This is a great time to come together in order to beautify the Worship Center.
Bright the Night
Our choir will be joining the downtown festivities at 5th & Main as we celebrate the Christmas season. Hope to see you there!