Looking for ways to get involved in your community?

The holiday season is an awesome time to make a difference in the lives of others.  Here are some ways you can do that through Second Baptist:


Salvation Army Bell Ringing: Every year 2BC raises thousands of dollars to help the ministry of the Salvation Army as they “do the most good.” You can be a part of this living giving ministry. Starting the Friday after Thanksgiving through Christmas, 2bc will be ringing bells for the Salvation Army.

DAME: Do you love to shop? Sign up for DAME on December 3rd. We will meet at Target on University at 8am to help MLK Elementary families shop for Christmas gifts. 2BC provides the funds through the DAME fund and you provide the shopping expertise.

Angel Tree: Be on the lookout for more info on how you can bless kids in need this year!

Albert Pike Christmas Party: As a part of our mission to be the presence of Christ in our downtown neighborhood we will meet on Sunday, December 17th to throw a Christmas party for the residents of the Albert Pike building.  After caroling and eating cupcakes we will then deliver gift bags to rooms.

Youth Minister Gifts:  When Jesus spoke of the “least of these”, most scholars agree he was referring to youth ministers.  If you’d like to make a difference in the life of a special person this holiday season, please contact Logan Carpenter for his Amazon wish list.

For more information on any of these opportunities please contact our Mission Pastor, Chris Ellis at cellis@2bclr.com.

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