Faith Formation

Sunday School Offerings

Sunday School for Kids & Youth

River Kids

(birth-age 5)

Childcare will be available starting at 9 am on Sunday mornings. Birth-5’s will meet in the playroom for free play beginning at 9 am. At 9:30, 3-5’s will move to their classroom for Sunday School. This age will stay in childcare through worship. This age will stay in childcare through worship.

Frolic Through the Bible

Join us as we journey through the Bible using a curriculum based on play and experiential learning.

City Kids

(1st-5th grade)

CityKids is our ministry for children in the 1st through 5th grades. The children meet in the game room on the 3rd Floor at 9 am for free play. Sunday School begins at 9:30 am, then the kids are picked up at 10:15 am to participate in worship. On the first Sunday of every month, the City Kids are dismissed in worship for their very own special service called “Worship Our Way” (W.O.W.).

Advent through Epiphany

At the end of a long year, we often find ourselves longing for rest, comfort, and renewal. At the holidays, we seek out the embrace of special people and special places that remind us of who we are and what we are meant for before we begin again in the new year. Advent offers us a similar kind of respite from the din of the world. It offers us a chance to return to age-old truths and postures of faith that will renew our souls and prepare our hearts to truly celebrate the birth of Jesus.

This Advent, our CityKids, Youth, and Village Sunday School classes will be reflecting on the truths we need to remember most as we travel with Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem. These ancient themes echo throughout God’s story and find their fulfillment in the birth and witness of the Messiah Jesus.


(6th-12th grade)

Our Youth meet on the 4th Floor at 9 am to hang out and play. At 9:30 we start Sunday School. We go down to worship at 10:15 am and love to sit together in worship. 

Advent through Epiphany

At the end of a long year, we often find ourselves longing for rest, comfort, and renewal. At the holidays, we seek out the embrace of special people and special places that remind us of who we are and what we are meant for before we begin again in the new year. Advent offers us a similar kind of respite from the din of the world. It offers us a chance to return to age-old truths and postures of faith that will renew our souls and prepare our hearts to truly celebrate the birth of Jesus.

This Advent, our CityKids, Youth, and Village Sunday School classes will be reflecting on the truths we need to remember most as we travel with Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem. These ancient themes echo throughout God’s story and find their fulfillment in the birth and witness of the Messiah Jesus.

Sunday School for Adults

The Village Class

This class is for all ages of young adults to adults with kids in the youth group (and beyond!) It meets in Room 306 at 9 am for fellowship and prayer. At 9:30, we begin Bible Study. These classes will change themes every quarter allowing you to choose a new style/topic based on what interests you.

Embark for College & Career

This class is for young adults who are in college, trade school, and early career. It is taught by Allison Hiblong and friends.

The Embark Young Adult Bible Study class meets in RM 313 at 9:00. This laid back casual class is a great way for our young adults to reconnect and grow together.

The Embark Class will take a break while students are away at school but will resume over the holidays.

Harbor for Young Adults

This is a group of young adults who have the flexibility to gather outside of the normal church routine. This early career group gathers to share life, serve, and discuss scripture and other theological issues.

The Village Class

Join us on Sunday mornings as we consider the practices of our faith that shape us: prayer, food, sacraments, worship, service, money, community.

At the end of a long year, we often find ourselves longing for rest, comfort, and renewal. At the holidays, we seek out the embrace of special people and special places that remind us of who we are and what we are meant for before we begin again in the new year. Advent offers us a similar kind of respite from the din of the world. It offers us a chance to return to age-old truths and postures of faith that will renew our souls and prepare our hearts to truly celebrate the birth of Jesus.

This Advent, our CityKids, Youth, and Village Sunday School classes will be reflecting on the truths we need to remember most as we travel with Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem. These ancient themes echo throughout God’s story and find their fulfillment in the birth and witness of the Messiah Jesus. 

Connections Class

The Connections Class is taught by Jon Poteet and is open to adults of all ages which meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. You can attend in person or through Zoom. We utilize a discussion-oriented format. Our goal is not only to understand Scripture but to apply it to our lives. We seek to promote fellowship among class participants on Sunday mornings coupled with additional gatherings at other times. We meet on the 3rd floor in Room 311.

Journey Class

The Journey Class is a group of adults who meet weekly for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer on Sunday mornings. Our Bible Study time utilizes Nurturing Faith curriculum taught by a variety of excellent teachers. Come and join us as we learn and grow in our faith together. We are on the 3rd floor in Room 308 at 9:00 am.

Encouragers Class

The Encouragers is a small adult Bible study group that enjoys a time of coffee and comments each Sunday morning; a time to share The Father’s blessings and to join in prayer for our fellow travelers. Our Bible study time follows the Formations curriculum from Smyth and Helwys. It is a time of sharing using the Socratic method as we probe God’s Word. Come join with us as we learn together. We’re on the 3rd floor in Room 312 at 9:00 a.m.

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