This Lent we will journey with the disciples as we listen to the parables of Jesus.

Worship with us!
Sunday mornings at 10:30 am
Join us in person and online on Sunday mornings for worship as we walk with Jesus and the disciples toward the cross. We will heed Jesus’s call to “Listen!” as we study the parables each week.
Each week a new representation of one of the parables will be added to the altar table. These artistic interpretations were created by church members. You can read more about their art each week on our blog.
Ash Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm
Make plans to join us for our Ash Wednesday service on February 22 at 6:30pm as we begin our Journey to the Cross. We will have a special service of ashes as we seek God’s mercy for the sin in our lives. Childcare will be provided for River Kids (birth-age 5).
House Church, March 5
For the first two hundred years of their existence, the early Church met in homes. These believers made a habit of gathering together in these house churches, breaking bread, praising God, and caring for each other. Many of these churches were led by women like Priscilla (1 Cor. 16:19), Nympha (Colossians 4:15), and Lydia (Acts 16:11-15); women whose leadership is often lost in a long list of all the reasons why women can’t lead in the church.
While it is not feasible or practical for our large congregation to meet in a house church on a regular basis, we have a unique opportunity approaching. Sunday, March 5 is both the beginning of Baptist’s Women in Minstry’s Month of Advocacy and the Little Rock Marathon (making it nearly impossible to get to church that morning). Because we can’t gather in our church building, we will use this opportunity to gather as the earliest Christians did, in homes (and a few restaurants) to break bread, praise God, and care for each other. These groups, led by women, will spend some time with one of the most prominent “why not” texts for Women in Ministry. We will also eat together, sharing a potluck meal over brunch, lunch, or dinner.
There will be a variety of “house church” locations and times for you to choose from. Sign up to participate in a “house church” on Sunday, March 5. (Please note: this is in lieu of regular Sunday morning worship. We will not worship together downtown on Sunday, March 5.)
Click here to sign up for a time and location and don’t forget to bring a dish to share.

Reflect with us!
Wednesday Night Series
We are excited to welcome Dr. Jennifer Bashaw to teach our new Wednesday night series. Dr. Bashaw is Assistant Professor at Campbell University, specializing in biblical interpretation and New Testament studies. Beginning March, 1, Dr. Bashaw will teach through the her book, Scapegoats, describing how Jesus’ entire life and work were an effort to end the scapegoating impulse that lives in all people and cultures. She will show us how Jesus identified with victims in the way he lived and the way he died and teach us how we might do the same.
Lenten Book Club
Our Book Club will be reading Scapegoats, by Dr. Jennifer Bashaw. We will discuss the book on Monday March 27, at 6 p.m., on Zoom. You can purchase her book wherever books are sold!
Small Groups
There are a variety of small groups happening throughout the season of Lent. From art, to book studies, to a support group for caregivers, there are many ways to care for your soul during this season. Click here for more information.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, April 2
Join us for Palm Sunday worship at Lake Nixon at 10:30 am. We will wave our palms and celebrate Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem as we prepare our hearts for the week ahead. Bring your camping chair if you have one, dress casually, and plan to stay for lunch after!
Easter Egg Hunt, April 2
Join us for lunch after Palm Sunday worship at Lake Nixon. There will be food, crafts, and games and then our kids will hunt Easter Eggs! Invite your friends!
Maundy Thursday, April 6
Join us at 6:00 pm for prayer as we pray with the disciples through Jesus’ last week. We will gather together at 6 pm for a brief time of worship and instruction and then will journey through the prayer stations at our own pace.
Good Friday, April 7
Join us at 6:00 pm at Lake Nixon as we journey with Jesus on the cross to death.