Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is the lifelong journey towards becoming like Jesus. The first followers of Jesus were called people of “the Way,” and we hope to be people of “the Way” as well. At Second Baptist, we don’t just want to believe certain doctrines; we want our character to be shaped by the teaching and ways of Jesus. We don’t just want to believe in Jesus; we want to believe Jesus and believe what Jesus believed. While we strive for creative learning which stretches our minds, we want to practice the spiritual disciplines that shape the depths of our souls. And all the while, we hope to do so in a community that both encourages and challenges us on the way.

The methods that guide us on the journey towards Christlikeness are varied. We worship regularly because we tend to become what we exalt. We strive for a life of prayer, not just a prayer life. We study the Bible together in Sunday School and share life in small groups. On Wednesday nights, we think deeply about faith, culture, Christian history, and the ways the gospel intersects life. We strive for rest on the Sabbath, honesty in confessing sins to God and one another, and being hospitable people.

If you want to be more like Jesus, we welcome you to join us on this journey. You will help us grow in Christlikeness, and we’ll help you as well.

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