Outdoor Preschool Application

Contact us to find out more about the Lake Nixon Outdoor Preschool Registration Process.

The Lake Nixon Outdoor Preschool is an all-weather learning community for children, ages 3-5. Our beautiful facilities, owned and operated by Second Baptist Church in downtown Little Rock, are located approximately 1.5 miles west of Interstate 430 in West Little Rock at 18500 Cooper Orbit Road. First Day of Outdoor Preschool is Wednesday, 3 January 2018.


Complete our online INFORMATION REQUEST today!

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name

First Name
Last Name

Preschooler’s Name

First Name
Last Name
Preschooler’s Age
Preschooler’s Gender

Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone Number


Mailing Address

Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code

Extended Care Options

If you and your preschooler would like to utilize Extended Care Options, please select the options below your family will need:Morning Extended Care: 7:000am – 8:15am* Afternoon Extended Care: 3:15pm – 6:00pm**Additional fees apply for Extended Care options
Monday – Friday: $200/month
Preschooler’s special needs or other pertinent information the Outdoor Preschool staff should know about your preschooler:

I understand that this is an all weather preschool in which my child will spend the majority of his/her day outside.

I need more information.
You have now completed the written portion of the outdoor preschool application. we appreciate you submitting this application and our staff looks forward to responding.

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