From Our Pastor

“Follow me.” That was Jesus’ summons to the earliest believers. “Follow me.” It was an invitation to step into the unknown, an invitation to embark on a glorious and terrifying journey that would transform their lives. It was an invitation to join others who shared the same journey. It was an invitation to grow, learn, serve, and change. At Second Baptist Church in downtown Little Rock, we believe Jesus’ original summons includes us as well. We believe that Jesus continues to call us to follow him into glorious mysteries and downtown shelters, and we are striving to follow him on the journey of faith.

In both our beliefs and our history, we are a different kind of Baptist church.

Responding to this call gives rise to all that we do at 2BC. Following Jesus leads us to worship God, praising him for all we’ve seen and heard. Every Sunday, we attempt to give God our very best in worship by centering our lives upon him. Following Jesus leads us to study the Bible and exercise spiritual disciplines so that we will become more like Christ daily. It demands that we use our resources and talents to bless those inside and outside our walls. Finally, the call to follow Jesus is a call to community, a call to join others who share the journey with us. 2BC is indeed a diverse congregation, with members representing various races, social ideologies, religious backgrounds, political parties, and social strata. What has inextricably bound us together, however, is responding to this call of Jesus. The varied perspectives in our community usually stretch us to see truths we would otherwise not recognize.

It is often said that we are a “big tent” church. That’s because we represent a “big tent” Kingdom. We are quite unique as Baptist churches go. We believe that the separation of church and state is good for both, and we believe Jesus takes primacy over the Bible. At 2BC, women have no glass ceilings, and the church ordains and empowers women (and men) to obey whatever God calls them to do. Throughout our church’s history, following Jesus has demanded some courageous stances. From throwing dances for veterans returning from WWI, to assisting in the desegregation of Little Rock schools in the 1950s, to caring for AIDS victims in the ’90s, 2BC has continued to follow one who spent his life healing the world God so loves. In both our beliefs and our history, we are a different kind of Baptist church.

Today, following Jesus compels us to listen to other people, especially those with whom we disagree. Jesus has led us to house the homeless in downtown Little Rock, distribute school supplies to Helena, and partner with social ministries in South Africa. Following Jesus demands that we wrestle with mysteries and struggle with questions rather than be content with trite clichés and religious platitudes. It means we must get our hands dirty in working to make the world right, and we must deepen our souls so that we can differentiate God’s voice from the other noise.

Ultimately, we would love for you to join us on our journey. I encourage you to peruse our website for as much information as possible. I would also invite you to join us for worship, a Bible study, or a missions effort so that you can experience 2BC for yourself. Your presence will enrich our journey as we follow Jesus. Hopefully, we will enrich your journey as well.

Let’s follow him…together.


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