This Advent we will spend time with John the Baptist as we heed his call to “Prepare the Way” for the Messiah. We have several opportunities for you to join with your church family in preparation: will be a meaningful time of singing, candlelight, and reflection as we celebrate Christ’s birth. (We welcome all ages and noises as families worship together. Childcare will not be provided.)

Worship with us!
Sunday mornings at 10:30 am
Join us in person and online on Sunday mornings for worship as we prepare our hearts for the coming Messiah. We will light our Advent candles, have special music, and will hear the words of John the Baptist calling us to make a way in the wilderness.
Service of Consolation, December 4 at 6 pm
Join us in worship for our Service of Consolation on December 4 at 6 pm. For many, the holiday season is full of grand celebrations and fun festivities. For others, however, the holidays comprise a difficult season saturated with pain and heartache. Perhaps the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a messy divorce, or an unexpected life change has created a deep wound. We will lift our pain up to God, asking for healing and consolation in these days.
Homeless Persons Memorial Service:
Join us at 1 pm on December 21 in the parking lot of Second Place (721 S. Cumberland St.) to remember and honor our homeless friends who have died this year. All are welcome and attendees are invited to bring socks and gloves for our homeless neighbors.
Christmas Eve Worship, 4 pm
We are looking forward to worshiping together on Christmas Eve at 4 pm. This will be a meaningful time of singing, candlelight, and reflection as we celebrate Christ’s birth. (We welcome all ages and noises as families worship together. Childcare will not be provided.)

Reflect with us!
Advent Blogs
Each week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays we will release an Advent blog written by a church member. These blogs will guide our reflection around the themes of hope, peace, love, and joy. You can find these blogs linked on our social media and on our website.
ADVENTure, November 30, 6 pm
Join us on November 30 in the Fellowship Hall at 6 pm for a special intergenerational ADVENTure! Together, we will explore the themes of Advent and ways we can engage the season in a meaningful way. This evening is open for all ages and will offer a variety of stations for all types of learners that you can work through at your own pace.
Our Wednesday night schedule will be the same as it has been, bring your dinner to eat together at 5. Kids & youth will hang out on the playground and 4th floor beginning at 5:30 and then we’ll all meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6 for a gathering time and then to engage in the stations provided. Childcare will be provided for our littles.

Serve with us!
CBF Offering for Global Missions
Every year during Advent we collect the CBF Offering for Global Missions. This offering is vital to the presence of CBF Field personnel around the world. This year our goal is $7,000. You can mail a check to the church or by giving online and selecting the CBF Global Missions Offering option.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Sign up to ring the Salvation Army Bell at the Dillards West Door in Park Plaza and at the J C Penney Store in Little Rock. Did you know that 2BC bell ringers have raised over $225,000 since 2003?! Join us again this year as we seek to serve our community.