2BC’S Convictions on Anti-Racism

Join us for our Wednesday Night Series this Fall on 2BC’s Convictions and Beliefs about Anti-Racism. The deacons and staff have been studying and praying through a way for 2BC to speak a word of love, truth, and peace in this season of racial strife. At 6 p.m. every Wednesday, Preston will speak for about 30 minutes on Zoom about the statement we intend to make. Then we will break up for a small group discussion in three different ways.
The Sanctuary – led by Preston Clegg (limit of 30 people, masked and socially distanced)
Lake Nixon – led by Andy Black (limit of 50 people, masked and socially distanced)
Zoom – led by Chris Ellis

Please participate in these discussions about how 2BC can speak truthfully, faithfully, and lovingly into these days, just as we’ve done in the past. 

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