November Clergy/Lay AcademyNovember Clergy/Lay Academy

How much do we know about the birth of Jesus? And how much of what we think we know comes from the New Testament and how much comes from traditions that have developed through the centuries?

Come join us for our next Clergy/Lay Academy, November 8-9 as together we study the birth narratives of the Gospels and what they really tell us about Jesus’ birth. The story, as the Gospels tell it, is more amazing than you might think! This study is for everyone. The only requirement is a desire to know more about the Bible!

Dr. Hulitt Gloer will lead the class on Friday, November 8th (6:00- 9:00pm) and Saturday, November 9 (9:00am-3:00pm. Lunch is included) at Second Baptist Church in the Crossroads Classroom. Cost for the class is $25.00

For those interested, this course can be applied towards a Certificate in Biblical Studies from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Contact Dr. Gloer at if you have any questions.

You may register HERE

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