
There will be door prizes, fellowship around the dinner table and we’ll put together “Welcome Home” baskets for Family Promise families as well as a gift for 2BC shut ins on Saturday.  

Cost $25 – includes Friday night dinner and Saturday continental breakfast

Friday only/$15, Saturday only/$10

Childcare provided with reservation


We will be led during the weekend by Rev Julie Pennington-Russell – Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Washington, D.C. Julie joined the staff of First Baptist in January of 2016.  She has served and led three churches in Decatur, GA; Waco, TX; and San Francisco.  She earned her B.A. from the University of Central Florida in Orlando and her M.Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, CA. 

This event is sure to be a great time — you can sign up on Sunday mornings or by visiting this link.  Be sure to come and invite a friend!


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